
When you drive, drive with a plan.


When you're on the road, it's important to feel confident that you can adapt to whatever happens.

You may encounter adverse weather conditions, busy traffic, quiet residential driving, or rural/highway driving, and all of these situations require different skills.

Driving is a constantly evolving activity, and drivers need to be prepared for all eventualities.

New drivers often lack the experience needed to proactively adapt to changing conditions.

They should be taught to be more proactive while learning.

However, even older, so-called experienced drivers can be caught off guard without a plan B or C.

They may get too comfortable in their driving habits or become distracted, which can lead to inattentional blindness.

It's important for drivers to always be second-guessing other road users and ever-changing road hazards by asking themselves questions like "What should I do in this situation?" and making decisions that help them adapt their driving accordingly.

Hazards on the road can be both static and dynamic, so adaptation is crucial to safe driving.

It's a skill to notice changing opportunities on the road, but many drivers lack this skill due to various distractions or their inability to re-educate their driving skills.

Driving maneuvers can be broken down into three parts: before, during, and after the action. Repeated scanning for space, other road users, and hazards should be a constant when driving to help drivers focus and reduce the risk of collisions.